Rashmi Singh
2 min readFeb 7, 2022


Using the predefined React Native components like Views, Image etc.

The best to know and understand the usage of react native components, is by looking at their documentation(Example, Text · React Native). These documentations provide the usage details, including their props that can be configured.

View : What and Why ? All the react native components visible on the screen, need to be wrapped inside the container. We use View, as this parent component, inside which all the other components reside.

View: How?

Step 1: Import from react-native

Step 2: Use it inside the return statement, as shown below:

Image: How? If we want to display an image in the UI, this is how we configure it :

Step 1: Import Image component from react-native

Step 2: configure the style and source(local directory in this case)

This is how this looks like on launch:

I know it’s not a lot, but, remember, we are just starting! this is gonna get way cool soon…

