My First React-Native app

Rashmi Singh
2 min readFeb 7, 2022

So, I’m doing mobile development now! When I started studying about it, I didn’t find many blogs/tutorials without using “expo”… I didn’t want to go into tools without feeling the waters first. I came across a very crisp course on Pluralsight, but it is paid. So, I thought I would start a blog for people like me, who are taking baby steps to learn react-native. Here is how you can get your first android react-native mobile app ready in no time:

  1. Install node and js(Node.js (

2. Install android studio(You will need this for the simulator)

3. Open command prompt and navigate to the folder where you want to create your projects, and type the following command :

npx react-native init <your app name>

4. Launch android studio, select Tools -> AVD manager and create a virtual device of your own. Once it is created, launch it:

5. In the command prompt you opened earlier(after the app gets initialized), run the following command:

npx react-native run-android

This will look for your android emulator and launch your app there.

Now, you are ready to play around with your react-native sample app! Hope this helped… see you later.

