Calloused enough?

Rashmi Singh
2 min readMar 7, 2023

If you know what these are and how they came to be, we are friends already. I recently read two books 1.Can’t Hurt Me and 2. Never Finished, by David Goggins. He is a retired Navy SEAL and the only member of the U.S. Armed forces to complete SEAL training, Army Ranger School and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training, a Guinness World record holder for 4030 pull ups in 17 hours and the list is unending. The thing he stresses upon most in the books is, nothing comes out of blaming the situation or the people around you. If you want something, ‘you’ need to work for it. Every time he was challenged by a situation, he embraced the challenge and emerged victorious out of it every single time… He managed to run ultra races (240+ miles on unforgiving terrains), on broken legs, using the power of his ‘calloused’ mind and body. He keeps saying not to let the callouses soften. Callouses are formed when you keep pushing your limits constantly, despite the physical or emotional agonies… They can be physical, when you continue pushing your physical limits or emotional, when you are going through a difficult situation in life. One just needs to remember that they are hurtful at the moment, but they are only making us stronger. In the books, every single time David by challenged by physical or emotional boundaries, he smiled his way through, just focusing on the task on the task at hand, blurring out everything else, because he knew he would be able to overcome them. And, the best part is, after setting an ‘unreasonable’ goal, and also achieving it, he never sat back to savor the glory… He went out to set another unreasonable goal!

